What's new for version 1.16? - bugfix in PNG-module: had problems with palette pictures - bugfix motion blur: had a problem with voxel calculations - bugfix motion blur: had no motion blur in scenes with planes - added TGA-module - added 'SOFTSHADOW' to 'DISTRIB' - optimized octree (up to 10% faster) - added 'FALLOFF' for 'POINTLIGHT' and 'SPOTLIGHT' - bugfix: motion blur of brushes - TEXTUREPATH is now also used for textures of Imagine objects - bugfix can now load plane - bugfix can now load multiple planes or perfect spheres What's new for version 1.15? - added PNG- and ILBM-modules - added radial texture - added 'Time spend' and 'Time left' What's new for version 1.14? - plane can now be animated - changed default gaussian filter with from 1.8 to 1.3 - changed axis position in flat brush mapping (see RayStorm.guide 'BRUSH' for details) What's new for version 1.13? - new path format - soft interploation of brush colors What's new for version 1.12? - up to two times faster motion blur What's new for version 1.11? - Registration programm - bugfix: Imagine fog objects can be load What's new for version 1.1? - Depth of field - Soft shadows - Backdrop picture - Fog - Motion blur (Great!) - Specular brush mapping - Field rendering - New format for vectors and colors - 68000 version